Saying that she ran out of the room to find him and say the same to him that it wasn't her account. As soon as she stepped out of the room her hand was gripped by his big hand as he pulled her to him and put his hand on her waist and began to walk with her. She blabbered about the account not being hers but he gave a deaf ear to her and drove the car to a site.
The gates were opened as he drove the car all the way in front of the building which looked like a palace. She ogled outside of the window and was amazed by the exterior design. The garden, the fountain in the middle with few statues around it looked marvelous. The planning and decorating looked so cultural. And when she saw the building she tilted her head a little to the window side to look at the whole building view but the side extension of the building looked endless. Suddenly her side door was opened startling her poor heart. She looked up at him as he gave her his hand but she took off the seat belt and got out of the car by herself. He fisted his hand as his jaw clenched and slammed the car door hard which made her visibly flinch in her place and look back at him.
Controlling his anger he stood side to her and jutted his chin to the building and took her in. Her eyes widened looking at the interior. It looked like a palace. A big chandelier in the center of the hall, staircases at possible sides and corners, statues, paintings, and some decorative pieces which looked gold.
"You see that painting ".
She looked at him before looking at his life. It is a beautiful one that no one can deny. He took her close to the painting and she saw that there are many mixes of colors in one dominant color. From afar it just looked like shades of blue, saffron, plump pink, and all. But from near it looked as if the tiny specs of different colors bought the blue color and the color looked so unique. She internally sighed at herself. For many past days, nothing is good for her. Her mental health was the worst. Anxiety, hearing sounds and his voice in her dreams, dreaming as if he is staring at her creepily. Every minute is like walking on the needle not knowing when he will snap at her. Even when he took her out she was all pins and needles afraid of what he would do. From these three days, she spent her mind just thinking about what worse can he do for her. And today after many days right now her mind is distracted. Thanks to the painting she is using her brain totally on it instead of worrying for herself. But that moment fell short when she heard his voice from behind and was startled. She turned back.
"How much do you think this painting is"?
He asked and she looked back at the painting and shook her head to him not knowing how much it would be.
He insisted and she put her assumption forward. She again glanced back at the painting examining it and spoke.
"Maybe t-ten lakhs".
Shock morphed his face before he cover it up as he closed his eyes as if she insulted him.
"If he was here he would have committed suicide".
She meekly and curiously asked.
"The painter".
"It is 76 crores and took 2 and half years to complete it".
Her jaw dropped as her hands clasped her mouth in shock. She couldn't believe that a painting could be so cost. She looked back at the painting as her eyes roamed every detail with his widened eyes. He eyed her from the side glance as a small smile occurred on his lips, almost unnoticeable. She looked cute with those awwed faces and curiosity-shining eyes. It is so rare for him to see her as she always prefers to be silent, keep business to herself, and always be distant and alert from him. He always sees her having her guard up and maybe this is the first time she loses her guard. Maybe listening to the price her mind was blown up. He snickered internally.
Next he took her on a tour around the palace and again asked her to guess the price while they were on their way to the car.
"I don't know. It might be too much".
"3 million and some change".
And unlike last time she wasn't shocked but her hunch on him grew more.
" Why are you saying me all this? What is your purpose? ".
He stopped in his tracks and turned back to her. Nearing to her he looked down at her and spoke.
" Do you know who owns this palace"?
She shook her head.
"That's mine".
Later they reached home and at night she changed her saree and sat back on his bed. She wasn't still allowed to go to her room or step out of his room as he said. In these three days, she learned that Ridhima was fired and there was no one at home to work. After getting caught she prayed for her safety and when she heard that she left she felt at peace.
Her one thought led others as she thought of today. Fortunately, he didn't touch her inappropriately at all today. But that didn't put her at peace. Her 99% instincts are telling him that he is gonna ask her again about sleeping. She almost expected that he would ask her when he said he owns the palace and everything clicked which was happening from day to night. Him buying jewelry for her, the bank account, and the palace. But she gave that 1% that he wasn't showing all of that to have her in exchange for one night. The palace and jewelry cost too much to give to anyone.
She was still thinking about random things when the door opened and he stepped in. As always she felt dread being in a closed door with him. She turned around still sitting on the bed and gasped upon seeing him tossing off his shirt. She looked away as he began to walk to her. Groaning he sat beside her his arm touching hers making her fold her hands to avoid his contact. Out of the blue, he pulled her and made her sit on his lap. She tried to resist but his strength always won over hers. He wounded his arm around her stocking her side to his chest as he spoke.
"Do you know the purpose of showing you money"?
He asked her and she replied nothing and she looked away from him. She knows why? He was asking, threatening, and scolding her to accept the deal for many days but she never did. And today he was just asking the same thing in a different manner but with the same nature. That is cheap.
"Because I want you. Give me your body for a month…(she looked up at him with disbelief and disgust as that one night changed into one month).... And I will give you everything. That palace, that jewelry, and that money in your bank account everything will be at your feet. Just accept and everything is yours".
Silence rang in the room as she looked at him in disbelief. Tears betrayed her as they flowed out at humiliation. Her heart is weakening listening to the same humiliation again and again.
She joined her hands to him and plead.
"Please stop this humiliation. I will never agree to that. I will never sleep with you. Please sir".
His eyes turned dark as he looked deadly at her.
"You won't sleep with me"?
He asked, taking it on his ego. Unaware of his self-interpretation she shook her head at him in no.
" I'll see how you won't sleep with me. Because —-
He fished out his phone as she looked at him in confusion.
"This will surely make you do what I want".
She was still clueless about what he was going to do with the phone. He tapped randomly on the phone and turned it to her and her eyes widened in terror as she looked at herself in the phone.
She gasped horrified at the picture and clasped her mouth as she sobbed
I write stories. And I have bigger plans to write stories for dramas and movies. I strognly believe that this platform will help me to achieve my goal.
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