Chapter 28

A soft unnoticeable smile spread on his lips as he stared down at her crying face.

" Follow me".

He said before pushing her face into his with his hand that was holding a gun. Her lips were pressed harshly to his as he began to kiss her roughly and when she didn't reciprocate he growled at her to move her lips. His hands hugged her tightly and tilted his face and entered her mouth. He forced his tongue more and more into her and their kissing sounds resounded in the area while her tears ran through their lips tasting salty. Still, with his gun in his hand, he motioned Ridhima to shoo off and she walked away without a sound. Since Aasha's back was facing Ridhima she couldn't see her walking away.

He controlled her tongue movements and sucked her tongue. Pulling away he demanded her to put her tongue out. Hesitantly she put her tongue out and he put his mouth on her as he sucked her tongue in. She cringed as she shut her eyes, her hands becoming a little resistant to having enough of him. He leaned in a little, making her bend back as he kept on forcing the kiss. A sob broke from her as he gulped in. Her hands started to push his face away because of the lack of oxygen but he refused to do it until he started to feel her body going limp in his hold. Her eyes became hazy as she stumbled in his hold. His hand cupped her face seeing her on the verge of fainting and her body went limp in his hold. He sighed looking at her.

Is she going to always get away from him like this?

Carrying her to his room he put her on his bed gently and pulled the rubber band from his hairs freeing them. Kneeling side to her he took a few strands of hairs in his hand and sniffed them. He closed his eyes, enjoying the faint smell of Jasmine. Standing up he left the room after looking at her for the last time.

When she woke up she found her hands and legs tied up with rope. Getting up she tried tugging them but gave up when she understood it would only hurt her more. It was night and she didn't eat anything in the morning. Her stomach made sounds in protest and she felt her throat dried up like desert. Even gulping caused her pain but she tried to ignore looking out of the window. Hugging her knees to her chest she wound her chained hands around her legs as she rested her cheek on her knees. Her tears dried up as she was done crying. If he comes she will have a civil conversation with him. The only power she has in her is using her words regarding the strength she is not matching against him. She made up her mind. She needs to talk.

Just then the door was opened and he came inside the room with a plate of food. She turned back looking at him through her shoulder as he walked in the room with a serious expression. Dragging the stool near to the bed he sat on it facing her and opened the lid part of the plate and put it on the bed. Taking a spoonful of rice he forwarded it to her lips and she exchanged glances between him and the rice contemplating whether to eat or not. She is having second thoughts that he might have mixed something in the food that could harm her or take advantage of her. But her hunger is asking her to eat at least a spoonful of food. Her throat bobbed looking at the food as her stomach hit a full swing of hunger.


He ordered with a stern expression as he bought the spoon nearer to her lips. She moved her head back and asked him for water. Giving her a stern look he put the plate on the nightstand and went to bring water for her. She tried to reach the food but the restraints stopped her hands and she sat there helplessly as he came back with a glass of water. As soon as he handed her the glass she quenched her thirst. Later he fed her the food as she are without objection. Hungry looked more important than anything else. It felt hard to be on an empty stomach.

After feeding her he forced her to lie down with him but this time he handcuffed her hand with his telling her to wake him up if she wanted to use the washroom.

Five more days passed with the same treatment. She used to be starved from morning and at night he would feed her by himself. But before leaving the room he would at least take or force a few kisses on her and leave the room. At night he would again and again ask her to sleep with him by feeding her greed of materialistic things but she is too simple to fall for his lavish greed.

On the next day unlike the past five days, she was fed food. And she was given a black saree to wear after bathing for which she refused.

"I don't want a black saree. I will wear any of my clothes".

"I didn't ask you. Wear what you are given. Or else I'll do it for you. Be ready within half an hour".

He ordered in his unbothered cold voice and left the room not giving her any chance to object to him again.

She had no choice as she wore the black saree and walked out as he said. She climbed down the stairs and his eyes fell on her as they were stuck on her.

Her skin shone against the pitch-black color and she looked exotic in a black saree. Her tiny part of her waist to the side had been an attention seeker as it dragged his attention like a magnet. But that was not long as she put her hand down making the saree fall on her side completely restricting his evil stare.

But that does not stop him as he walked to her and kissed her lavishly. Her struggles as usual didn't matter but he pulled away before he invest a long duration in the kiss.

Then he first took her to a jewelry shop and asked for the most costly pieces and looked at her. She blinked cluelessly as they presented him with the best pieces.

"Choose anything you want".

He bobbed his head to the necklaces and confusion marred on her face. She doesn't want this.


"Just choose. Since.. I like you".

Her brows knitted as she looked away in confusion. He is staring at her intensely. His offers felt like ringing danger bells. She immediately shook her head.

"I don't want anything".

She denied and he gave a fed-up glance at her before ordering them to pack all and send them to his house.

Next, he took her to the bank and opened an account for her. She was forced to fill up the information as she did reluctantly. His actions are confusing her a lot. What would he do with a bank account that is of hers?

After her bank account was opened he invested 10 crore in her account and her jaw dropped listening to him.

"W-what is that for? I-is this m-my bank account"?

He nodded at her and she denied the amount along with the account. When he didn't listen and walked out she didn't know what to do and she innocently stayed her decision to the bank employee.

"This is not my account. I don't know anything".

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