"You don't have another option than to believe me".
That left her speechless as the glint in her eyes dimmed. He isn't helping in making her believe his words. He isn't giving a guarantee of his words.
" What can you do anyway except for leaving when I allow you to. So just eat and you can leave".
Saying that he resumed his breakfast as she still didn't touch her food. She looked around clueless of what to do. But her plan B reminded her that she need energy to run away from the place.
Her eyes fell on the food as she lifted her hand and gripped the spoon and began to eat. Maybe her eating was the only thing he was waiting for as he asked Ridhima to serve her various dishes present on the table. It looked as if he is treating her as his guest. A special guest. He behaved with her with utmost respect and manners. She was served to her fullest with various dishes but she ate in limit.
Soon they completed the food as all the items from the table were being cleared. Hesitantly she lifted her lashes and dropped them to find him looking at her. Soon the table was cleared and she gulped before preparing for the talk. She looked up at him and he is still looking at her. But not with hostility anymore. His leg was crossed on the other one as the arm of the chair became a support for his elbow while his thumb lazily played with the subtle of his jaw and his eyes were piercing her. She took a deep breath under his uncomfortable intense stare. Giving a pep talk to herself she spoke.
"C-can I go now"?
He remained silent still looking at her with the piercing gaze if anything more he narrowed his eyes at her. She adjusted her voice before asking again.
"Sir? Can I go now".
A moment passed as he shook his head and her heart dropped.
"Nope. How did you think I will let you go just simply? How"?
Her heart dropped more listening to him as her face shown the clear helplessness as well as desperateness to go away from here. She looked as if she is about to cry at any moment.
" Sir please. You said you'll let me go".
Her voice shook as she complained. Her hope is cracking and the feeling is gut-wrenching. Is she going to stuck up here?
" I don't want to".
" Why"?
" I didn't sleep with you yet".
His words trembled her as her breath shivered. Her eyes stung as her eyes became misty while her lips frowned involuntarily.
"Wh-what did I do to you, sir? Why are you humiliating me"?
"You did nothing Asha. But just once. Just once and you can go. I swear you can go and I can do anything to make you believe in my words".
She screamed in despair as she found her emotions going out of her hand. Her whole form was trembling in anger, frustration, and agony.
She screamed with her shaking voice and out of a sudden she made a run towards the door which has to pass through him. But he immediately stopped her as he got up from his chair and blocked her way with his as her form collided with his chest. His arms immediately seized has as she began to tarnish in his hold. She threw her punches on him and tried to push him away but none worked as he carried her up in his arms taking her up to the room. She didn't stop struggling as she continued to hit him and when it didn't work she dug her teeth into his bicep.
But neither he flinched nor he hissed as he carried her to the room effortlessly. However, when she got no response from him for the longest seconds she left her bicep as he threw her on the bed. She began to climb down the bed when he already hurried out of the room and locked it just a second ago before her hands would get crushed between them. She cried helplessly leaning by the door.
(After a few hours)
" Listen. I won't run anymore. Okay? Now please open the door. Please open it".
"(After one day)
"S-sir. Are you there. I want to talk to you. P-please (hicup). Can you open the door".
(After two days)
" I beg you. Please someone open the door. I don't want to stay here. I don't want to be locked up. Please open the door".
Her voice came sore and hoarse.
(After three days)
"Please. I don't want to be here. Please let me go".
Her voice came out slow with shattered hope. Her body grew weak as she leaned her back to the wall and her hiccups died down slowly as she looked ahead blankly.
Her heart was thudding with almost fear. She is stuck alone here. And in the captive of the monster. And he isn't letting her go no matter how many days were spent being locked up in the room. The room was enough spacious with a bed just side to the window sill emitting the light. A fan, lamp, washroom, and dressing table. If anything more there is a table as well. A bird in a comfort cage. That's what she felt. But his footsteps both scare her and give her hope. That he could either talk or kill. Anything can happen to her. She can be raped or can be killed gruesomely. After all, he is a man who carries a gun and kills people in public.
Every minute she thought of various ways of escaping. But there seems no way. The window has bars. Her food was bought in by Ridhima and then she would leave. She tried to take the only chance to run but there was a man right behind her who looked like a guard. All she can do is pray for god and one day, her chance was given.
The sky was still blue as it is an early morning with a hint of a thin layer in the air. Probably between 4:30 to 5:00 while she sat at the bus stop with a shawl wrapped around her shoulders, head, and nose allowing only her eyes to be exposed as she looked on either side waiting for the bus while at the same time, she checked her surroundings with her heart in her hand.
Her heart jolted up in joy when she saw a bus coming her way. She immediately picked up her bag and get into the bus as the bus took off. She paid 200 Rs to the conductor as she covered herself in the shawl properly to avoid the cold outside and placed her bag on her thighs .
A smile bloomed on her face with the joy of her freedom. She is finally going to escape him. And him searching for her? She don't think he would make efforts to search for her. Not at least to the farthest of her village.
Smiling she sat back and began to look out of the window as nature passed by. Soon she find herself feeling drowsy as she leaned her head to the window wrapping the shawl properly as she slept soundly and fully.
Suddenly her body fell front and her hands immediately supported her as her hands stopped her from colliding with the front seat. The bus put a sudden break which caused trouble to the passengers. She looked around and to her side as she saw a teenage girl. The bus is full of crowds right now. She saw s everyone trying to look out of the front bus window as she too tried but remained in her seat as she saw another few buses halted right in front of their bus. Sighing she randomly looked around and suddenly there was a ruckus as someone stepped into the bus.
Her eyes widen as she saw the glimpse of that very person swimming through the crowd as one by one was boarding the bus. Tension crept in her as she looked here and there. She covered herself properly with the shawl and looked down avoiding eye contact.
He started to examine the people by their appearances and she immediately pulled a little bit of her girl's skirt in her white saree as she continued to look down. She wasn't sure if he saw her or not as he almost passed through her seat when suddenly her shawl flew away from behind. She froze in her place as her eyes widen and suddenly her hand was caught in a grip as she was pulled up and her eyes met his.
I write stories. And I have bigger plans to write stories for dramas and movies. I strognly believe that this platform will help me to achieve my goal.
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