Saying that in a span of minute he reached her as now he turned to her giving his whole attention to her.
" Hmm"?
He hummed as his hand near to her hand when she stepped back hiding her hand back and when he was about to reach her hiding hand she swiftly bought it to front as her right hand secured the left hand wrist. But then he grabbed her right hand as he pulled her with him when she resisted by gripping her feet to the ground but they were utterly useless. Though she tried to resist a lot he simply pulled her forward to the edge of the open yard in a home while Yamini, Meera and Samira stood to the right side edge of the open yard with the fire still burning the materialistic things.
Dragging her along with him he pulled her to his front as she stammered by the force but he caught her at the place.
"I'll give a drop of example about how i will claim her and if you leave the place you will stay out tonight".
Saying that suddenly he slammed his lips on her taking her by surprise as her eyes widen. His hand gripped her back head as his lips were placed on her and it took a little time for her to realise what is happening. As soon as she realised she was being kissed on the lips she made a sound in protest as tears formed in her eyes.
" Mmmm".
She protest when he opened his mouth and took her lips in. More tears gathered as she raised her hands and placed on his chest to shove him away but there wasn't even a bit movement in his posture. She again protested through her restrained voice as she started to punch him to move away and after it didn't work she cupped his cheeks to move him away and he got his hands snakes in her waist as she visibly startled as her shoulders rose high in sudden contact of his hands and a gasp was heard. Taking that as a chance he shoved his tongue in her and everyone looked at the with their wide eyes shock morphed over their faces.
Their faces screamed pure disbelief before it turned into a disgusting look they gave to them.
Where as she was still trying to push his dace away as her restrained sobbing was heard out loud now he started to step forward pushing her back to trap her by a support. She moved back with his powerfull strides as if she wasn't even control of her own body. He easily cornered her and slammed her to the pillar which was out of the open yard at a corner. She tried to push him away more aggressively and when it didn't work with growing frustration she punched his chest asking him to leave her with her restrained sobs.
She cried out when his tongue swirled around her and tasted every corner of her mouth. His face tilted a little bit as now there faces were criss cross and he again entered into her mouth and sucked her tongue for which a loud out cry was heard as her body rose in protest. Her tears steamed more as her punched grew more as well. Samira looked at her with pity while Yamini looked at her in pure disgust while Meera has her eyes oggled to them. They turned their heads away having enough to watch a sinful act.
Not having enough he caught her wrist and slammed them on her head as now his face tilted from one side to another devouring her in every way and angle. His wet lips again sucked her bottom lip and again and again opened his mouth to take her lips in. Gripping her wrist in his one hand his other hand gripped her face and began to kiss her brutally as her sobs started to low down but didn't stopped.
She felt weak as he continued to assault her lips whole she still sobbed and cried with her wrists trying to get them out of his hand. Sucking her lower lip for the past time he parted away before looking into her eyes and again pecked her on her lips. His eyes were casted down glaring at her plump beautiful lips.
Unclasping her hand he moved back freeing her from his hold he took a few more steps away while she bought her hands near to the chest as she sobbed and cried with hiccups.
With the back of his hand he wiped his mouth as he looked at her lustfully before he looked at Yamini.
"You see what happened? I can do anything. I can even assault her. So you better not shout at me as if i would listen to you"
Saying that he turned on his heel and walked away.
I write stories. And I have bigger plans to write stories for dramas and movies. I strognly believe that this platform will help me to achieve my goal.
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